outperformed all other hybrids planted in the same field
Improved yields
up to 53% better than whole field average yields
Increased net farm income
covered up to 70% of input costs (depending on markets)
Eight out of nine VISUAL FARMS’ recommended hybrids outperformed other hybrids planted in the same field. A 2,000-acre corn operation can realize $73,000 in added income, covering up to 70% of inputs without changing anything except to plant the right seed.
The A.I. hybrid-trained yield simulation system with solar observations predicted:
Historical blind yields
Within 100% of actual yields for the whole farm, and
Field level yields within 98% of actual yields.
Optimal planting and harvest times accurate in the top 6 inches of soil
Corn plant growth stages within a day verified by observations
Widened the decision making window from 2 weeks to 3 months by predicting yields consistently with 98% accuracy in June through October.
...we build them!
New Knowledge for Farmers is New Power
Human-managed food-producing ecosystems are systems within systems. We account for three interacting principal components: farms, landscapes and agri-climate in order to accurately represent food production outcomes.
Our agri-climate system is plant-specific. It accounts for solar energy that hits the plant leaf directly with other key climate and soils inputs. All are managed by A.I. systems to accurately predict plant growth stages and responses.
A Tract in the Largest Farm in Kentucky
Vfarms (US Patent #799754) is the only system of its kind that can instantaneously connect farms to landscapes and track their management, crops, fields, risks and successes over time.
Built upon VFARMS, Geoconversations will become a field-based geo-social network for all farmers, businesses, food manufacturers, markets and consumers. It’s a national virtual coffee shop for technology marketing and information about what’s happening now?
TOP 50 HYBRIDS SORTED BY RELATIVE YIELD BY AVERAGE MOISTURE CONTENT Our seeds databases contain virtually the entire available market derived over the last seven years from 1.4 million field trials describing 40,000 corn varieties (174 brands). Farmers select from among the top 50 hybrids best suited to their farms to support intended crop uses such as maturity date, moisture, and more…
Growth Dynamics - Forecast Model, Emergence to Maturity
Built upon neural networks and other AI techniques with Agriculture-specific domain knowledge. Trained with the agri-climate system over 7 years on the performance of 40,000 corn hybrids, 7,000 soybean and 3,500 wheat hybrids in controlled field trials. Results are rational, accountable and validated.
Over time, they become a farm’s own Machine Learning system harnessing Big Data and integrating on-farm practices to offer comprehensive, data-driven, and actionable recommendations.
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